Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Today tigerairways having their promotion from $2.99.
So after getting the news and contacting my brother, we decided to go Phuket.
Hence with 1 hour, i booked the tickets to go Phuket cost slightly less than $800 for 6 persons.

However, when I reach home, mum called and said my brother receive the letter go go in-camp training...ended up we need to change date... to Apr and pay a processing fee of $180 for the change of flight.

All in all think it is still cheap compare to normal time.

Friday, November 23, 2007

While seated, interlace your fingers and place your hands on the back of your head. Allow your head and arms to relax forward and your chin to travel toward your chest. The weight of your head and arms, combined with gravity, will begin to release your neck and reduce or eliminate your headache.

Remember that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Today saw this red rose selling at $1.50 as compared to one of the medical hall in Woodland selling 2 times the pricing. Hence, I brought it to try.

Surfed on the web and this is what I found:
Taste of Tea: This Red Rose Tea has a refreshing and sweet taste with a strong fragrance.

Chinese Tea Description: This Red Rose Tea is a plant of the rose family and originally from China, is an important natural spice crop and also a traditional spice loved by the Chinese people. It has an artistic shape, a gorgeous colour and lustre and a strong fragrance. If steeped with boiling water, the colour, the fragrance and the taste of the tea will be wonderful. This is truly a perfectly natural enjoyment.

Tea Storage: Store the Red Rose Tea in a cool, dry place and avoid straight sunlight.

Tea Brewing Guide: Use 3-5 of the Red Rose Tea and brew with boiling water. Can also be brewed with other Flower Teas and Tea Leaves
Health Benefits of Tea: This Red Rose Tea has the benefit for improving and nourishing one's looks.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Went off to Little india to shop last Tuesday and last evening again with my collegues to shop for indian wear. The indians communities are celebrating their Deepavail tomorrow. Was told just like our CNY. All in all i brought 1 set of pajami wear and 2 pieces of tops.
Here is my pajami wear:

Here is the lightings scenes at little india:

As mentioned, this is my new office space.
Do not know good or not as I still think it is quite OPEN.
4 of us back facing back.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Today is a HOT HOT weather. Anyway, when i took my photos from the car, I amd surprise that the sky looks so nice. Just like when I am oversea holidaying.

We went for walk walk at the showflat - La Casa since we are nearly.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Have you watched this show in US? Was release on 19 Oct 2007 and in Singapore 8 Nov 2007.
Here is the link : http://www.epicstoriesofthebible.com/index.php
It was done by Digitial Media.
So far I have never seen any of their production. Think only have a short 2-3 mins snapshots of the show once during company convention on the Jane & Dragon show. Next month I would be going to watch the 10 commandments show ( complementary of course!)
