Wednesday, February 25, 2009
酵素是在所有活的动、植物体内均可发现的物质,它是维持身体正常功能、消化食物、修复组织等必需的。酵素是由蛋白质构成的,它们参与几乎所有的身体活动,目前已知的酵素有数千种。事实上,尽管有足量的维他命、矿物质、水分及蛋白质,如果没有酵素,仍无法维持生命。科学家尚无法利用人工合成来制造酵素。每一种酵素在体内都有特定的功能,非其它酵素能完成的。每种酵素的形状是如此地特殊,以致于仅启动特定物质的反应。受酵素改变的物质称受质(substrate)。酵素先捉住受质,把它握住,然后将此受质与其它分子接合,增加反应速度。细胞大部分的反应均受这些必要蛋白质催化(启动),这些蛋白质上的矿物质组成使反应得以进行。体内许多反应都需靠酵素,但要注意别让它们负担过重。例如,假使身体必须制造足量的酵素以执行消化功能时,则制造正常新陈代谢所需的酵素可能会不足。虽然身体能自制酵素以供应需求,但也能由食物中获取酵素。不幸地,酵素对高温极端敏感。热度不高时即可破坏食物中的酵素,因此要从饮食中获得酵素,必须生吃这食物。煮熟的食物会使所有的酵素流失。那些不吃生食或未在饮食中补充酵素者,无异是在酵素的供应上,给身体施加不当的压力。因为酵素是提供身体能量的营养素,过分地使用会损害身体运作的限度,使身体易患癌症、肥胖、心脏血管疾病,及成为其它疾病的宿主。要减轻体内自制酵素的负担,生吃食物是有益的。它们不仅直接提供酵素给身体利用,也能抑制身体分泌消化熟食所需的酵素。这提高体内在必要时供应酵素的能力。酪梨、香蕉、芒果富含酵素,但各种芽菜(sprouts)是最丰富的来源。如果一餐中同时有生、熟食,则在用餐期间,服用一到三份酵素补充品。酵素胶囊可以打开,洒在食物上。酵素的功能。酵素辅助体内所有的功能。在水解(hydrolysis)反应中,消化酵素分解食物颗粒,以贮存于肝或肌肉中,此贮存的能量稍后会在必要时,由其它酵素转化给身体使用。酵素也利用摄取进来的食物以建造新的肌肉组织、神经细胞、骨骼、皮肤或腺体组织。例如,有一种酵素能转化饮食中的磷为骨骼。这些重要的营养素也协助结肠、肾、肺、皮肤等排出毒素。例如,有一种酵素催化尿素的形成,此氨化物经由尿液排出,另一种酵素使二氧化碳由肺部排出。除此,酵素还分解有毒的过氧化氢(hydrogen peroxide),并将健康的氧气从中释放出来。由于酵素的作用,使铁质集中于血液,酵素也帮助血液凝固,以停止流血。酵素也促进氧化作用,此过程中氧会被结合到其它物质上。氧化作用会制造能量。酵素也将有毒废物转变成容易排出体外的形式以保护血液。
Enzyme Benefits
Enhance BloodIs it possible that an enzyme can clean up or purify the blood?
When you look at it from the simplest perspective it makes sense. It is a known fact that fungal forms, parasites and bacteria are made up of protein, and the shell that protects a virus in our bodies is in fact a protein coating.
The enzyme protease breaks down proteins and since the invaders of our blood system are protein, it would make sense that ingesting protease on an empty stomach would help purify the blood of protein invaders. An empty stomach is suggested since the protease would not have to be held in the digestive system to digest food protein.
Enzymes in general deliver nutrients, carry away toxic wastes, digest food, purify the blood, deliver hormones by feeding and fortifying the endocrine system, balance cholesterol and triglyceride levels, feed the brain and cause no harm to the body. All of these factors contribute to the strengthening of the immune system.
Break Down Fats
Lipase breaks down (digests) fat.
When added to your meal as a supplement it is able to do this in the digestive tract. This takes stress off the gallbladder, liver, and pancreas. When taken between meals, they can be of great support systemically and in some cases stored in the liver for later use.
Shed Excess Weight
Many overweight people have metabolism imbalance or will soon create one.
The endocrine system is our metabolism. Once we are able to fortify the endocrine system, get the bowels working regularly, and digest our food rather than turning it into fat, we have a successful combination for losing weight. This process is not instantaneous, because we have to lose fat instead of weight. A person has to lose a great deal of fat to equal one pound of weight. It takes longer, but it is more healthy and lasts longer. Best of all, it does no harm.
Enhance Mental Capacity
Your body uses glucose called from the liver to feed and fortify the hypothalamus.
The hypothalamus directs our endocrine system and is responsible for, among other things, balancing emotions. This long lasting glucose is made from the protein stored in the liver. All plant enzymes come from protein foods, thus they help fortify the liver for this function. Red blood cells carry oxygen and nutrients to the glands, muscles, and all the organs of the body, including the brain. Nutrients however, can only be delivered throughout the body by means of the enzyme delivery system. When this is not accomplished, you become fatigued and are less able to think clearly.
Improve Aging Skin
An adequate supply of enzymes are absolutely essential for keeping your skin young-looking and healthy.
According to researchers, Amber Ackerson and Anthony Cichoke in Portland Oregon, enzymes fight the aging process by increasing blood supply to the skin, bringing with it life-giving nutrients and carrying away waste products that can make your skin look dull and unhealthy.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Also extracted from the web.
Apple cider vinegar should be used for anything personal, both inside and outside the body. Do not use white distilled vinegar as it can rob your body of essential minerals.
Used as a hair rinse, vinegar neutralizes alkali left by shampoos.
A reader says 'it will give your hair an all out shine!' Corn and callus remover - soak stale bread (a cloth would probably do as well) in vinegar, and tape over the callus or corn overnight.
Age spot fader - Mix equal parts of onion juice and vinegar and use it daily on age spots. It will take a few weeks to work, just like its expensive relative from the store.
Spray your hands with vinegar, or dip them in it and dry after having them in soapy water to keep your hands soft.
Splash vinegar on your varicose veins. The vinegar is supposed to reduce the veins and relieve the pain and swelling.
Use it diluted 50/50 as a skin cleanser as most soaps are alkaline.
A teaspoon to a tablespoon of vinegar gets rid of hiccups.
It's an ongoing battle as to whether vinegar can help you lose weight, but the ones who say it will, say to drink a glass of water before each meal in which you've added a tablespoon of vinegar and a tablespoon of honey.
Rinse water for face - pour 1/8 cup in rinse water, rinse face and let it air dry (it seals the moisture in the skin) Try white vinegar on underarms and other areas of the body as a natural deodorant. Will not stop perspiration (which is not healthy anyway) but will neutralize odor.
Add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a quart of drinking water to deal with heat stress and repel mosquitos.
When children get lice, put warm vinegar on the hair, dip a nit comb in vinegar to help remove nits. It is supposed to be able to break down the glue the nits use to stay attached.
My dad is 77 years old and his skin on his face is so smooth and soft looking. His secret is he uses vinegar for aftershave. If he gets any rashes or pimples he uses vinegar for that as well. He drinks apple cider vinegar, honey and hot water every morning. The vinegar odor goes away very quickly when he uses it for aftershave. He started this when he always broke out in a rash after using regular aftershaves.
1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar in a small tub of water. Soak your head/hair to get rid of dandruff as well as all the garbage that accumulates on your hair from shampoos and conditioners. It's absolutely amazing.
For cleaning dentures - leave your dentures in vinegar for as long as you would leave them in a denture cleanser - about 15 minutes to half an hour or longer, if you wish. Then brush them thoroughly. Your dentures will be cleaner and whiter than a proprietary dental cleaner can do it!
Makes a great eyeglass cleaner. Mix white vinegar 1/2 and 1/2 with water. I keep a tiny spray bottle in my purse.
I mix my own facial toner using 1/2 water, 1/2 vinegar and a few aspirin. The acid in the vinegar forces old skin cells to flake off much like the store-bought alpha hydroxy products. Aspirin is my own anti-acne solution. A lot of acne products use salicylic acid, which is basically aspirin with a few differences. The aspirin won't dissolve completely, but it doesn't seem to matter. This works especially well against those deep acne spots older people often get. I've been using this twice a day for five years and people are amazed when I tell them my real age (44). One caution: Also use a face lotion with at least SPF 15 everyday- even in winter (Oil of Olay knockoffs are fairly cheap)- because the mixture will make your skin thinner just like the expensive store-bought ones will, and more susceptible to sun damage.
Apple cider vinegar restores the natural acid balance of human and animal skin and hair (fur, too) after washing with soaps of any kind, which are by nature, alkaline. That means it helps fight various skin disorders, heal chapped and dry skin and soften hair. It also fights against fungus and bacterial and viral infections - another plus in the care of skin. But wait - vinegar isn't through yet. It soothes burns and itches, safely disinfects dentures, and gently fades freckles and 'age spots' over a period of time. Wow. What else could you ask for in a golden liquid? Low price? You got it.
At a little over two dollars a gallon, it's frugal; it's cheap; it's a penny pincher's dream come true. Consider the cost of what it can replace:
Meat tenderizer
Hair conditioner
Acne medication
Denture tablets
Hand lotion
Potassium supplement
Sunburn remedy
Labels: health
Just read this article, some people who are trying giving a very good feedback.
The Amazing Benefits To Using ACV
+ Can be pruchased at any local grocery store, and is in the salad dressing isle.
+ Yes you can still use BP and any other acne related medications or remedies ex. Tea Tree Oil.
+ Yes you can also use Emu Oil. I suggest using it at night bc it is oily and use it of course after ACV/BP or w/e else you use.
+ If you want to drink it add 2 - 4 Tablespoons of ACV in a large glass of Apple Juice or Apple Cider. Use a straw because the more acid that touches your teeth the higher your risk is of ruining your enamel. IDK too much about it so your best bet is to look it up yourself so that you don't ruin your teeth, I have read that swishing with Baking Soda afterwards will reduce acidity in the mouth.
+ Any BRAND of ACV is fine and yes they all say 5% Acidity.
+ Using tap water is fine, using cold water is probobly better, more soothing and less irritating.
1. 50/50 ACV + Water in an old Astringent bottle, Shot glass or Spray bottle.
2. *Optional* Can add a few aspirin in the Toner or make a toner with asprin in it separately. The asprin is essentially nothing but Salicylic Acid which is a Beta Hydroxy Acid (exfoliates skin), SA also dries up acne and can penetrate deeper into the pores unblocking clogged pores, which I find helps more with removing blackheads IF you don't like to manually exfoliate. Instead of plain water you could use Green Tea (the kind you make with water and a tea packet, not Snapple lol) because Green Teat is packed with antioxidants to fight the aging process and it would def. give your skin an extra boost because of the caffeine content.
3. Use a cotton pad, cotton ball, or spray bottle to apply ACV Toner.
4. I still occasionally break out usually hormones so I currently use Tea Tree Oil, Benzoyl Peroxide. Yes TTO is better then BP to me because it doesn't dry your skin out as much or interfere with the healing process, but I am pregnant and I cannot use TTO anymore.
This was my process with TTO ~ I applied TTO diluted with water, usually between 10 - 15 drops in a shot glass filled less then half way with water. I wait until my face is completely dry, then apply ACV wait until it is dry, Moisturize and I am done.
(for BP users)
After shower (or anytime day or night) apply the ACV Toner and wait until it is completely dried on your face, apply BP and wait 15min. Next moisturize!
5. Sometimes I use ACV full strength it all depends on how my skin is feeling .. somedays it can handle it. There is nothing wrong with using full strength.. you just have to know your own skin. If you have sensitive skin I suggest sticking with the 50/50 solution, and if it is tougher than applying the ACV without water every now and then is okay too.
I hope you have great success with this regimen, I know my red marks are quickly fading and my overal skin tone is so much better than before. So many people are having success with ACV.
I have made several posts about it's benefits. ACV isn't only great for skin but your hair as well. Using ACV as a rinse in the shower brings out your shine, highlights and softness in your hair because it removes all the build up of old shampoo.
The list of remedies for ACV seems to be endless from cooking, outside use, hair, skin, fatigue, headaches, weight loss, arthritis etc. I am sure these simple and very inexpensive solution will benefit you immensly.
* If you know your skin is sensitive please start out slow and use less than a 50/50 solution, I do not want you to burn your skin!
Labels: health
Friday, February 20, 2009
Just sharing the info....
It is popular in Japan today to drink water immediately after waking up every morning. Furthermore, scientific tests have proven a its value. We publish below a description of use of water for our readers. For old and serious diseases as well as modern illnesses the water treatment had been found successful by a Japanese medical society as a 100% cure for the following diseases:
Headache, body ache, heart system, arthritis, fast heart beat, epilepsy, excess fatness, bronchitis asthma, TB, meningitis, kidney and urine diseases, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, piles, diabetes, constipation, all eye diseases, womb, cancer and menstrual disorders, ear nose and throat diseases.
1.. As you wake up in the morning before brushing teeth, drink 4 x 160ml glasses of water
2.. Brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything for 45 minute
3.. After 45 minutes you may eat and drink as normal.
4... After 15 minutes of breakfast, lunch and dinner do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours
5.. Those who are old or sick and are unable to drink 4 glasses of water at the beginning may commence by taking little water and gradually increase it to 4 glasses per day.
6.. The above method of treatment will cure diseases of the sick and others can enjoy a healthy life.
The following list gives the number of days of treatment required to cure/control/ reduce main diseases:
1.. High Blood Pressure - 30 days
2.. Gastric - 10 days
3.. Diabetes - 30 days
4.. Constipation - 10 days
5.. Cancer - 180 days
6.. TB - 90 days
7.. Arthritis patients should follow the above treatment only for 3 days in the 1st week, and from 2nd week onwards - daily.
This treatment method has no side effects, however at the commencement of treatment you may have to urinate a few times.
It is better if we continue this and make this procedure as a routine work in our life.
Drink Water and Stay healthy and Active.
This makes sense .. The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals ...not cold water. Maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating!!! Nothing to lose, everything to gain...
For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you.
It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion.
Once this "sludge" reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.
A serious note about heart attacks: Women should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting.
Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line.
You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack.
Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms.
60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up.
Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know, the better chance we could survive...
A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this mail sends it to everyone they know, you can be sure that we'll save at least one life.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Labels: Food
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
With the recession wave coming...or it is here already. I think I should start to adjust my expenditure Habits. No-No to leisure do not tempt me with slots! hahah
Garage Sale
Spend an afternoon going through all of those items that you have set aside to either give away or sell, including the toys that your children grew out of and that china pattern you received for your wedding and never used. Then, pick a date and time and start spreading the news about your “junk” sale.
Set realistic, but fair, prices so that you can both rid yourself of now unnecessary items (but hopefully someone else’s treasure) and make a little extra income. At the end of the sale, the money that you make should be put into a savings account, for either a retirement fund or college fund.
Live Within Your Means
You need to know the difference between a need and a want. Spend money on necessities first, but do so with a smart mind, because you can find sales, coupons and bargains on necessities. If you have money left over, and if it is in your budget, perhaps splurge for that cute pair of shoes that you spied when walking home from work, which also happen to be ON SALE!
Piggy Bank
We were inspired to collect our change into one container after an afternoon of spring cleaning when we found countless coins, and even a few dollar bills, inside of pants pockets and even in couch cushions. If you don’t have a piggy bank, no need to go and purchase one. Instead, use a small dish or even a small storage container to hold your change. Suggest to your spouse, and even your kids, who will probably want to start their own piggy bank, to empty their pockets into the coin container each night upon returning home from work or school.
Once a month, count your change and separate by coin type. If you have enough to fill a bank coin roll (and you can find the paper rolls online) do it yourself and then head to the bank for an even swap – they will give you bills for the coin rolls. Take those bills and either put them into your bank account, or use them as your “play money.”
Second-Hand Shopping
Who doesn’t like shopping? We adore it, but it doesn’t really help us save money. Actually, if you change your shopping habits, and where you shop, you could save money.
Do a little dream shopping online or at the mall, and pick out something that you crave, although don’t purchase it. When the time comes and you need a dress for an upcoming family wedding, hit up a thrift store and start browsing for a shape and pattern that looks similar to your dream dress. If you are looking for a new bake pan, why not drive around your neighborhood to see who is having a garage sale, instead of heading to the mall to lay out some money on a pastel-colored bake pan that you think is cute.
Secret tip: our favorite place for a little second-hand shopping is estate sales – trust us, they are amazing for items such as furniture, appliances, and even jewelry.
Limit your Expenses
As an experiment, you and your spouse should write down what you spend on food and drinks when you are outside of your home. That means each cup of overpriced coffee, the occasional afternoon cookie, lunch out three times a week, and even an apple from the farmer’s market need to be accounted for. (This experiment helps with your financial books, because it is difficult to rely only on receipts when you pay cash for food and drinks, which most people do, because many restaurants, cafes, and markets don’t provide you with a receipt.)
After a month, you will both be able to see how much wasted money is spent on food and drinks that you can easily make at home and bring to work or school. To avoid future unnecessary spending, limit lunch out to one day a week, in addition to coffee and other snacks.
Don’t Pay Unnecessary Fees
If you added up all of the fees that you pay, due to tardiness, poor planning, or your occasional blasé attitude, you could be saving $10 to $20 a month. What extra fees, you ask? The late fees you pay at the library, movie rental store, and on trains add up. In addition, we are all guilty of paying ATM fees when we are in need of money and can’t find our bank near-by. Best advice – just don’t do it!
Alternative Transportation
If you live in an area that has a decent public transportation system, use it. The money you are saving by taking a bus or train will add up, and also because the fares rarely change, budgeting should be easy.
If public transportation is not an option, set up a carpool system at work, or at your child’s school. Even as part of a carpool group, you are only responsible for gas payments every other trip, or even less if there are 3 or more people in the carpool.
Smart Shopping
Smart grocery shopping should be considered an art. It is so easy to go up and down each aisle and just throw in what looks good, without looking at, and comparing, prices.
Instead of mindless grocery shopping, buy a Sunday newspaper and clip coupons to use on your next supermarket run. Shop sales at your favorite market, and if some stores require you to have a “club card” to get the savings, sign up because the majority of cards are FREE! In addition, buy bulk, even if that means shopping at Costco or Sam’s Club – the savings add up.
Secret tip: Buy store brands and forgo spending the extra $1.55 on the box that has a cute cartoon character. You will be shocked at how yummy store brands can be.
Get it for Free
If you do a little hunt, you can score free samples and even free makeovers and haircuts. Go to salons with stylists in training and you could get a free hair style (such as an updo), free hair cut, or even free hair color.
For free beauty products and makeovers, head to your local department store. Scour the beauty section for skin care, cosmetics, and perfume samples. Also, sit down for a “consultation” to learn more about what colors look best on you. Go home and surprise your husband with your made-up face and plan a night in – see how easy (and fun) saving money can be!
Credit Cards with Rewards
The average American carries $8,600 in credit card debt, so using a credit card may not be an option for every family. If you are comfortable adding a new credit card to your wallet, search for a card that gives you a reward, whether it is cash back, airline points, or shopping points. Don’t accept a credit card that doesn’t offer you incentive to choose it over one of the hundreds of other cards out there.
Part-Time Job
If you are doing everything you can to save your money, including following some of our amazing tips, but are still having a little trouble balancing bill payment, grocery bills, and buying that little something extra, get a part-time job. Apply to be a barista at a coffee shop on weeknights or weekends. Offer to watch your neighbor’s children twice a week so that she and her husband can go on a date. Teach singing or piano lessons to neighborhood children. Use that secret talent that you have and try to market it.
If this option is possible for you, take that money and spend it when you WANT that new scarf or decide to splurge on a fancy birthday dinner for yourself and your spouse. Try to save your full-time job’s paycheck, or your spouse’s paycheck (if you are a stay-at-home mom) for bills and other payments. You will feel happier having money in your pocket, and you will worry less. Keep in mind, this still requires you to spend the extra money smartly.
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